Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Own Weed


If you’re a regular smoker, the thought of what it would take to grow your own weed instead of spending all that money might have crossed your mind and you wondered what it’ll take to make it happen, we’re here to tell you it’s not easy and there are a lot of factors to consider. The process is not as simple as sowing a seed and letting it take its time to grow and reproduce. Weed cultivation is a multi-billion dollar industry that is increasing day by day but it’s also not impossible and with the right tools basically, anyone can do it. 

Growing cannabis is a very long and caretaking process. Let us help you understand the process and the important factors of growing good weed at home. We will help you understand the factors and steps you must take for growing a cannabis plant. Here you will find a few distinct steps to help you grow weed effectively. 

Deciding the Best Cannabis Seeds or Clones

The cannabis plant can be a male plant or a female plant. 

Males give you small flowers or “Buds.” The flowers obtained from them are usually discarded and are of no apparent use. When you grow weed from female cannabis seeds, you will get plump pungent flowers that are the primary source of THC. Hence, if you want to grow weed indoors, you should choose female cannabis seeds for a good yield.

It’s pretty much impossible to tell which ones are male or female. The only true way to tell the plant’s gender is to plant a seed, then wait for it to mature. After a period of several weeks, the plant will begin to pre-flower or form a small bud in the crux of a branch. One of the first signs your cannabis plant is female is the appearance of pistillate that are wispy and generally white in color. Male plants will instead produce pollen sacs that look rounded with distinct splits running lengthwise, a bit like a tiny crab claw. 

An example of early-stage female (left) and male (right) cannabis plants.

Creating A Grow Room For Your Weed Plants

You do not need a massive grow space. If you are growing weed indoors, you can use small kitchen top trays for a handful of plants. You can use empty cabinets, and unused rooms. Make the space for growing the weed hygienic and free of any outside pollutants. If you grow weed indoors only, the dedicated grow room must have an air filtration system for fresh air. You can also protect your weed plant by spraying them with any homemade organic insecticide. Only use organic pesticides or fertilizers since marijuana can absorb toxic metals.

Direct sunlight is the most important factor for a weed plant during the growing stage. Growing cannabis can be a nightmare if the lighting conditions are not properly regulated. To grow weed indoors, they need 12 hours of uninterrupted sunlight. After that, the weed plants need to rest in complete darkness, where they produce flowers that transform into buds. If any ambient light is seeping in from anywhere, the flowers that develop are full of seeds. These flowers do not yield smokable buds.

Cannabis Grow Lights

The primary light source is the sun itself. But no one wants to have the extra responsibility of putting their plants in and out twice a day. It is when artificial grow lights come into play.

Fluorescent lights are the easiest option for a beginner. They are high propagating lights and can be ideal for young plants with less yield. These lights are also low wattage, so they do not produce any heat. Further, they do not require a lot of power to run. They will not affect the internal temperature of your growing area while still doing the job. 

Know Your Soil

You can grow cannabis indoors as well as outdoors. If you grow indoors, you can use ordinary soil, or you can use a hydroponic system. It mostly depends on your personal preference and ease of maintenance. 

Cannabis plants are very pH sensitive and need constant pH control. For this, you need to ensure the quality of the water. If you are using ordinary soil, you should try to maintain a pH between 6 and 7. If you use a pH meter, look for the sweet spots of 6.2 and 6.5. Further, if you use hydroponic systems, you should aim between 5.8 and 6. Hence, these pH ranges can guarantee optimal growth and yields.

Have A Watering System

Every amateur home botanist thinks that every plant needs a lot of water. But, in reality, plants do not consume water as humans do. Hence, you must be very vigilant when watering your plants. It would be best if you were extra careful when watering weed plants. Cannabis is very sensitive to air circulation, and too much water can affect that circulation around the roots. They show stunted growth if they do not get enough air circulation or if the humidity is too much. It can also affect flower production.

You need to measure your plants’ water intake. It depends on several factors. For example, the size of your plant, the stage of growth, the rate of growth, and the temperature of your growing room as well. If the weather is really hot, they will require more water. But you also need to ensure that the growing vessels have enough holes to allow extra water drainage. It prevents any pest or germ culture growths. You must also install RO (reverse osmosis) filters to distill your water and avoid excess chlorine or harmful inorganic chemicals.

Create a Ventilation System

You can create a ventilation system yourself. Just make sure that you place the exhausts strategically. You do not need to place too many fans. Just enough to create a gentle airflow. For this purpose, you can use box fans, bracket fans, wall-mounted oscillating fans, etc. Place them strategically so that they work effectively with each other. It is to ensure that the temperature does not rise due to CO2 buildup.

We all know that warm air is lighter and rises. A good ventilation system helps by pushing out hot air and pumping in fresh cool air. You can achieve this by mounting your outtake exhaust a little higher. Your intake valve should be a couple of feet higher than the ground.

Regulate Temperature

It will ensure that your indoor grow room has a fresh supply of CO2 and oxygen at all times. Further, this also regulates temperatures for your young plant growing indoors. Indoor growers need to maintain the optimal temperature range for their cannabis indoors during the vegetative stage.

Most cannabis varieties flourish in cool temperatures of 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit when in sunlight. But most strains like Indica grow best at night in temperatures around 55 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. This optimal temperature happens when you switch off the lights and leave them to rest.