The Nigerian Police released tips on how to survive their checkpoints

If you’ve lived in Nigeria then you’ve probably encountered the terrible, corrupt and mischievous ways of the Nigerian Police Force who in recent times have created more problems for society than they actually solve.

Just like the terrible system of politics that rules Nigeria, the police force seems to carry on this trait as they extort, harass and sometimes kill civilians every other week. Their most recent saga in a tale of stupidity is an embarrassing viral video of an officer hassling a driver at a checkpoint for a bribe, where an officer is captured asking for a bribe of 4,000 Naira [$10, £7] because the initial offer was, according to him, not enough.

Such incidents have reportedly ended in motorists being shot dead after drivers refused to oblige, BBC Reports.

Most Nigerians don’t trust the police because they see them as unprofessional and corrupt, according to BBC Nigeria editor Aliyu Tanko.

Nigerian police are among the worst paid and ill equipped in the world.

As a PR stunt for the Police force to try to quell all the harsh criticism coming their way, they released ‘tips on how to survive their checkpoints‘ via twitter, and you bet it was classic Nigerian police insensitivity and ignorance.

So, just in case you’re wondering how to comply with the ‘tips’, here’s the NPF’s thread: