10 Productivity Tips For Creative Entrepreneurs


Creative entrepreneurs are people who use their creative skills to earn a living. They are also referred to as freelancers. Their work experience does not fit into the 9-5 schedule of traditional working experience. As a creative entrepreneur, efficient use of time is pertinent. It is common to find yourself derailing from designated tasks to check the latest update on the trending gist on twitter. This behavior can keep you postponing starting or finishing tasks. Appropriate management of time is the key to increased productivity.

Here is a list of things that can help you maximize your time:

Make Lists

To get a great start on your day, it’s best to list out the tasks you want to complete that day and their specified deadlines. A great way to do this is the 3-2-1 method. It’s designed as a priority list. You list the three of the most important things you need to do and then two less important ones followed by the least important task. This will help you give attention to what needs attention. To paraphrase Yasmin Belo-Osagie, to-do lists are wishes without deadlines. When you find yourself scrolling on Instagram, your deadline cautions you.  

Make Weekly Goals

At the start of a new year or month, it considered healthy to set goals. Weekly goals are just as effective. Each week, set a goal to be met. Goals should be SMART. Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. It could be your goal for the year broken down into action points. Goals are a sure way to ensure productivity when done right.

Keep A Small Notebook

A small notebook works magic for ideas. Creative entrepreneurs tend to chase ideas as soon as they think of them. This leads to abandoning tasks. It is helpful to jot down ideas as they come. Asides being able to complete your initial task, the idea has room to blossom and become something better. Notes can also be downloaded on your mobile device.

Set A Time And Space For Working

It goes without saying that creative entrepreneurs lack the structure that a 9-5 provides, hence the urge to lazy around is much more. Carve out a specific time and place for your work and watch yourself complete tasks. Ensure you have had breakfast before work time and remove all distractions.


Take account of the essentials you need to work and keep them close. Other things should be kept aside. A messy workspace sends stress signals to your mind. Decluttering should be done either before work time or after time to save energy. Having a table full of stuff can distract your mind from staying focused on the task ahead.  

Take Breaks During Bursts Of Work

It has been scientifically proven that breaks during work hours help to increase productivity. Sleep is for the dead is a sentence that celebrates overworking with minimal rest time. The human body requires rest and neglect leads to fatigue and thus slowing down work time. Attention increases when you return to your workspace after a break. One way to take breaks is the Pomodoro technique where you take five-minute breaks, every twenty-five minutes.

Make Tasks Mobile-Friendly

Sometimes, restricting yourself to working on a laptop or pen and paper can steal work hours from you. Being able to complete tasks on your phone can help speed the process.

Make Google Calendar Your Friend.

If you tend to procrastinate or forget tasks, Google calendar is there for you. You can set up a reminder for just about anything. Also, you can share your calendar with colleagues you are working on projects with or accountability partners.

Abandon Tasks That Waste Your Time

If you find that you are spending too much time on a task, it’s okay to leave it to focus on something else.

Do One Thing At A Time

It might be attractive to attempt to complete multiple tasks at once but it is counterproductive to multitask. In fact, it takes longer to complete a task when your mind keeps jumping from task to task.